This was a good year for a change. It's usually been cloudy and rainy, but this year we had clear skies, enough to get us to attend the observatory on two nights.
The usual habit is to have a barbecue on the nearest Saturday and that was the 10th of August, followed by a meteor watch. A good barbecue too and though not at the peak, which was on the Monday, the sky was clear enough to see some meteors, though not as many as hoped for. Some of us stayed well into the early morning. Attending were Lynn and Phil, Paul and Elaine, Dave and Lesley, Dave and Sheila, Maurice, Peter, Sandra, Mark, Rhys, Vic, Bill and Judy and Bev. Beady eyed Sandra saw 24 Perseids and another 44 on the Monday night from the observatory. A fun evening.
We found the Monday to be clear too so some of us came down then too, and saw many more meteors. There were even two members hopefully taking photographs on both nights, though only two photos emerged with a meteor from at least a couple of hundreds. Photographs by Bill Hughes, Dave Hardware and Paul Booker.

An undertaker displaying?